Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

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Ceramic lamination and composite veneer

Questions About Ceramic lamination and composite veneer

One of the best and most stylish beauty treatments for teeth is dental laminate. In this way, anyone can have a beautiful smile, white and uniform teeth.

Is ceramic laminate better or composite veneer?

Ceramic laminate is cut by the dentist, and then the mold is sent to the laboratory for manufacturing, and finally it is glued on the tooth by the dentist, and the composite veneer is done in the office by the dentist with composite material on the teeth. And it is not possible to say which one is better because each case has its own treatment plan and maybe composite will work better in one case and laminate will work better in another case.

Can cosmetic treatment be used in all cases of irregular teeth?

خیر. اکثر نامنظمی های دندان نیاز به ارتودنسی دارند ولی در برخی موارد با صلاحدید متخصصین ارتودنسی می توانند ونیر کامپوزیت و یا لمینیت سرامیکی انجام دهند.

What is composite veneer?

It is a kind of cosmetic treatment that is performed using composite on the teeth, which can be done to improve the shape or color of the teeth as desired by the patient.

What is ceramic lamination?

It is a type of cosmetic treatment in which a certain amount of tooth enamel is shaved and a mold is taken from the teeth and sent to the laboratory for manufacturing and finally it is glued on the teeth by the dentist.

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