
Dr. Mehran Fard office Image Gallery

You can see the quality of services provided in Dr. Mehranfard's office in this section, this gallery includes dental images that can be useful for improving awareness, education, selection and acquaintance of the audience and clients.

All the images in the gallery are related to Dr. Mehranfard's specialized office and are without any changes, retouching or copying from foreign sites, in addition, before and after photos of new beauty treatments are gradually added to this collection and the gallery is constantly updated. It will be updated.

Ceramic laminate

Ceramic laminate photo gallery

Before and after photos of ceramic laminate


Beauty photo gallery

Before and after of beauty photos

office pictures

Gallery of office images

Pictures of Dr. Mehranfard's office

Composite veneer

Composite veneer photo gallery

Before and after photos of composite veneer


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